The International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) was founded in 2000 with the purpose and objective to reinforce motivation and to strengthen democratic institutions in Pakistan and to mobilize people from different walks of life in connection with the protection of Human Rights at National level. International Human Rights Organization is a non-profit Organization registered in Pakistan since 28th October 2002 under the voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Act 1961. IHRO is registered with the United Nations with its body the ECSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council). The IHRO is affiliated with IHRO aims to provide necessary assistance of promoting the enjoyment of the Human Rights pertaining to the people of Pakistan. It lays emphasis to create opportunities for the implementation of developmental projects pertaining to various sectors i.e. Education, Health, Social-welfare, Violence-Against-Women (VAW), and provision of legal aid to prisoners, poor women & other deserves persons.
It extends collaboration with other organizations, which have been struggling for the same agenda i.e. Democratization, Accountability and Good Governance in Pakistan. It was established in the Pukhtunkhuwa and FATA, to alleviate the hostile environment prevalent there. It was duly registered on 28th Oct 2002. It is a non-profit, non –political organization without any discrimination of sex, sect, gender, region or religion.
Immediate mandate of this Organization is among other things, to monitor documents and publicize human rights violations in Pakistan. Initially IHRO has been focusing its attention on political and civil rights, child protection, violence against women (VAW) through a comprehensive in-built methodology involving monitoring, documentation, lobbying and advocacy regarding Human Rights violation. Is a non-profit Organization registered in Pakistan since 28th October 2002 under the voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Act 1961 IHRO aims to provide necessary assistance of promoting the enjoyment of the Human Rights pertaining to the people of Pakistan. It lays emphasis to create opportunities for the implementation of developmental projects pertaining to various sectors i.e. Education, Health, Social-welfare, Violence-Against-Women (VAW), and provision of legal aid to prisoners, poor women and other deserves persons. IHRO has been functioning in district Batkhela as with its head office located at Islamabad. Its area of coverage is Pakistan as some member of staff is from different cities of Pakistan as they are active in their respective places for Projects and especially focus area is youth.
It has also been working for the defense of Basic Rights of the people including providing welfare to the deserving population. International Human Rights Organizations has a reputation of having close links with other various agencies both government and non government organizations.
IHRO has active coordination with district social welfare coordination council of Malakand, local NGOs, NATPOW (National Trust for Population Welfare) Pakistan Bait- ul-maal, National Institute of Rehab medicine Islamabad and other government organizations which have been working for treatment and welfare of the disabled persons as well as members of general community of the country. IHRO has also coordination with AMNESTY International and, Human Rights Watch US as well.
Worked for person with disabilities under the head of USAID and Leonard Cheshire disability in Malakand division where our organization provides career guidance, placements, self-empowerment, networking and sensitization, information gateway. IHRO provided wheel chairs to PWDs in District Malakand through coordination with Pakistan Baitulmal last year and also provide soft loans to the PWD’s so that they can start their business as a entrepreneurs under the head of Micro revolving funds. That was the project where we covered all the Malakand division of KPK Pakistan ( Swat, Dir, Buner) where Youth person with disability also provided trainings according to their talent or skills as the agenda was no Special Person no disable, Equality to person with disabilities.
Conducted different workshops and seminars and trainings program for youth where our youth coordinators and also master trainers provide trainings and post workshops assignments and then reporting after assignments mainly focus on the universities students and also colleges students as university of District Malakand, District Mardan and District Peshawar was the specially focused universities. the topic was Advocacy and campaigning, Empowerment, Active participation of Youth, Active participation of Youth in Democratic Processes.
Child Rights | 6 months | Human Rights | Bala Kot | 2,800,000 | UNICEF |
Women Rights | 6 months | Human Rights | Malakand | 2,200,000 | UNDP |
Education Rights | 3 months | Education | Malakand | 1,800,000 | Baitul Maal Pak |
Khud Mukhtar | 1 year | Disable Rights | Malakand | 3,700,000 | USAID |
Relief Camps | 3 months | Health | Islamabad | 4,400,000 | UNHCR, MERLIN |
The top management of IHRO consists of two entities – the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. At the top is the Board of Directors of the IHRO. BOD is responsible for a number of tasks, for example hire and supervise the CEO, develop and approve budgets, etc.
Next comes the CEO, he is responsible for the overall direction in which the IHRO moves, and the responsibility for managing the day-to-day activities of the IHRO. The Head Office which is situated in Islamabad headed by chief executive officer, he is the top most executive authority and is providing the overall leadership and monitoring to the organization’s projects. The Head Office has its own program development, monitoring and accounting sectors. The CEO is assisted by Program Manager and the Project Managers or coordinators. Programme and project activities of IHRO are led by a manager. PMs are assisted by male and female program officers & social mobilizers with management support from monitoring, evaluation and review, and finance and administration. The project managers have the main responsibility for coordination and management of activities in the field. The PMs are the first and foremost leaders and lend to his team the support it requires to implement an integrated program in the villages. M&E section provides technical and programmatic guidance and advice to the PMs and field staff. The staff members of IHRO are responsible for the day-to-day functioning and implementing of its programmes and projects. They report to the Executive Director, who overall is responsible for the IHRO activities. Staff members of IHRO fall into three groups responsible for activities related to (1) administration, (2) publicity and (3) programmes/projects. Administrative activities are led by an administrative manager. The Manager has several staff members assisting him/her, including a Finance Assistant.
The field offices headed by Project Coordinators, who are responsible for the overall management, implementation and monitoring of program in his respective area. The field offices have its own social mobilization, outreach workers, with its accounting and monitoring staff. IHRO Head Office provides technical support and advice to the Project Coordinator and field office staff.
IHRO believe on a transparent, vibrant, comprehensive and updated accounting system and financial matter. For this purpose IHRO has developed the modern, reliable and transparent accounting system and deal all financial matters according to General Acceptable Rules (GAP). Following are the key peculiarities of our Financial System.
Annual Internal and External Audit
IHRO has developed a systematic M & E System in order to ensure that the organization is on track and according to the organizational policies for the attainment of its objectives. IHRO has its own well defined M&E strategy which is used during the execution of all of its programs/projects. Monitoring of project activities against action plans are undertaken during implementation to ensure that the project is on track to meet an organization objectives.
The monitoring system of the IHRO consists of a number of separate steps which help appraise the implementation of projects on the basis of aims and targets defined in project plans. This is achieve through analyzing the monthly and quarterly progress reports submitted by the implementing CBO or by the project staff and periodic monitoring visits by the program staff and general body members and CEO.
Yearly, quarterly, and monthly targets are broken down and work plans are prepared accordingly. IHRO Monitoring mechanism also involves, review and planning meetings on weekly, monthly and quarterly basis to assess whether activities are carried out as planned in LFA and identifying and addressing problems as they arise during implementation. Senior management team monitoring visits to the field take place on need basis. At the end of the visit, a brief follow-up meetings are held with field staff to highlight the gaps and areas of improvement. The senior management recommends the decisions and the project manager / program manager takes the decisions in consutlation with the project team and senior management.
At the start of project M & E framework are develop for the project wherein targets, data collection sources, tools/methods/sampling techniques, frequency of data collection and responsibility are fixed and accordingly monitoring and evaluation carried out against set indicators. IHRO submit an M&E plan to DONOR within two weeks from the start of the project. IHRO and its local partner communities collect relevant baseline data. The baseline is conducted in collaboration with local communities, stakeholders and field staff. In addition to that other tools such as community meetings, FGDs and door to door verification are also carried out to collect the pertinent information. IHRO adapt and use HH vulnerability monitoring assessment form, the baseline format provided by DONOR, FGDs, case studies to collect the data. The baseline are reported to DONOR using qualitative and quantitiave reports.
IHRO mainly conduct twon types of evaluation both internal & external.
During the implementation regular field visits are undertaken for effective monitoring. In addition to these monitoring visits, the program staff maintains close contact through unplanned visits and telephonic or written contact with the project staff.
IHRO places equal emphasis on project evaluation. As a matter of policy, the staffs of the project have to submit a project- end- report. The projects implemented by IHRO are usually evaluated jointly by the donor agency staff, the IHRO staff, BOD members and beneficiaries in a participatory manner. Some projects have been evaluated by the external evaluators also.
The children in Pakistan are thought to be weakest part of the society due social norms, cultural taboos and patriarchal family system. This concept is undergoing a rapid change due awareness of child’s rights by various agencies and measures taking at the National and International levels, keeping in view the poor and hapless condition of children of ages five to eighteen years belonging to poor families and lowers strata of society.
The general people are gradually becoming sensitive, secure, and supportive to children issues largely due to a proactive role of the Media and positive cognizance by the activists. As the society has fragmented in various sector and sub-sectors, the situation with regards to children has become the matter of serious concern. It under minds their dignity, self-esteem and deprives them of their full participation in all aspects of development. The constitution of Pakistan guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens without any discrimination.
Article 35 of the constitution directs the state to protect the marriage, the family, the mother and child. The Government of Pakistan is fully sensitive to issues of child protection, provision of Health, Education and permissive atmosphere to them so that they should become active and useful citizens of country.
Keeping these facts in view this NGO has setup Crisis Center for children and distress to provide round the clock temporary shelters, free boarding and lodging, frees legal aid, medical relief, psycho-social counseling services to children. It has also established medical center and non-formal basic education centers for the benefit of the children both girls and boys between the age five and sixteen years so that after completion of their education they may join useful employments, or continue further higher studies.
The Violence against women and girls has been describes as the most pervasive violence of human rights. It has become a major area of concern in Pakistan in recent years as more information about its incidence and impact has become available, and particular forms of violence appear to have been on the increase. It has been observed that the violence against women occurs at all levels of society and has diverse forms. It ranges from the more covert acts including abusive language, and coercion in marriage and goes on to include the more explicit forms of violence which include wife beating, torture, marital rape, custodial violence, honor killings, burning of women, acid throwing, mutilation, incest, gang rape, public stripping of women, trafficking and forces prostitution, and sexual harassment in the street and work place etc.
Physical Abuse is a pattern of physical assaults and threats used to control another person. Sexual abuse is the mistreatment of the control of a partner sexually. Psychological abuse is the use of various tactics to isolate and undermine a partner’s self-esteem. It can include such act as refusing to allow the spouse to work outside the home, withholding money or access to money, isolating the victim from their/his family and friends or constant check. According to Pakistan National Report it is estimated that two thirds of the psychiatric patients at any hospital or clinic are women. Women’s poor mental and physical health has negative implications on their productivity and imposes high social and economic costs for the society.
There are several causative factors of violence against women in Pakistan. Patriarchal attitudes largely exist in our society. Ironically, these are often legitimized on the basis of tradition or false attribution to religion. Various community leaders also actively oppose women’s rights in order to maintain their own power matrix. The enforcement of laws to protect women is lax and ineffective. Women suffer most because a majority of them do not have the means to achieve financial and social independence and self-reliance. Additionally, the community has become rather desensitized to the sufferings of others. Many other factors have also contributed to the alarming increase on the rate of violent acts against women in Pakistan. The factors are all interrelated and the problem is very complicated.
Conducting training for teachers in order to build their capacity to enhance their skills in child centered teaching and learning process. At the same time the organization gives high value to the field based support to teachers to facilitate and ensure the implementation of their learning from the training.
IHRO has been trying to build the capacity of education department at district level. The devolution plan has made it easy for the NGOs to interact with the local people and identify their needs and address them through building the capacity of the education department. Thus IHRO conducts a range of training in effective school management and support monitoring at school level. Realizing the dire need of early childhood care and education, IHRO has taken very good initiatives in terms of parenting education (for proper care, nurturing and development). IHRO strongly believes in good health, clean environment and mental growth of children, which would give them healthy framework growth and development. And mothers being the first and most important caregivers need to be skill full to handle the children’s behavior and respond accordingly. Thus IHRO conducts session with parents (in Pakistani context the fathers are not that sensitized to fully participate in child rearing and caring process.
Thus, IHRO is making efforts to educate those fathers to fully participate in the child development).
We also have centered based ECCD program.
International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) is a non-profit committed to promoting human rights, equality, and justice. Join us in empowering communities and creating lasting change across Pakistan.
Office Address:
Office no 314 third floor Abu Dhabi tower f/11 Markaz Islamabad Pakistan.